The Manresa Neighborhood Coalition and the Manresa Association recently had the opportunity to informally meet with, and ask a few questions of, the new owners of Manresa Island, Argent Ventures. In light of Norwalk currently re-writing its building code, Argent Ventures wanted to share with us what they were requesting of the City of Norwalk. Below is their proposed zoning code for Manresa Island, which can also be found here: on the public comment page of the Zoning Regulations Updates (City of Norwalk Website).


Manresa Island Overlay Zone

A. Purpose & Intent

The Manresa Island Overlay Zone (MIOZ) is intended to provide an alternate development scheme with the goal of preserving and protecting most of the Parcel(s) proposed for Development. The MIOZ allows for an alternate development scheme which permits clustered housing and additional Accessory Uses that are complimentary and appropriate for a waterfront Development, including, but not limited to, Civic, Institutional and Marine Uses. In addition, the Parcel(s) shall be Developed in a manner that is cognizant of the potential for Flooding and sea level rise, and Developed in a sustainable manner, implementing Low Impact Design (LID) standards and energy efficiency.

B. Criteria for Designation – the MIOZ may only be applied to the Parcel(s) known as Manresa Island, consisting of approximately 126 acres.

C. Regulations for MIOZ Development

Notwithstanding any other standards or requirements in these Regulations, including but not limited to Article 5, Development Parcels, a MIOZ Development shall be exclusively subject to the approved Master Plan and the standards set forth herein:

a. Permitted Uses

i. Principal Uses

1. Single Family Detached Dwelling, including Cottage, Houses and Estate Houses

2. Duplexes

3. Townhouse

Housing may be clustered to maximize the amount of Open Space.

ii. Accessory Uses

1. Accessory Uses that are customary and incidental to the Principal Use within the discretion of the Commission

2. Amphitheater

3. Boardwalks

4. Boathouse

5. Civic space

6. Community Center

7. Community Garden

8. Event Space

9. Green

10. Live Music

11. Marina, which may be open to the public

12. Park

13. Piers

14. Playground

15. Plaza

16. Recreational boating or fishing facility

17. Solar panels (free standing or rooftop)

18. Sport Field

19. Square

20. Waterfront Club

b. Building and Development Standards

i. Residential Density – For purposes of calculating residential density, Open Space preserved in perpetuity shall be excluded from the total acreage of the MIOZ designated Parcel(s). The maximum number of Dwelling Units permitted in a MIOZ Development shall be determined by dividing the total acreage of the Parcel(s) by 6,250 and multiplying the result by eighty-five (85) percent. In no event shall residential density within a MIOZ Development exceed six (6) units per acre.

ii. Open Space - A minimum of seventy (70) percent of the Parcel(s) area is Open Space, with a minimum of ninety (90) acres preserved in perpetuity. The Open Space may include active areas for walking and bicycling trails and paths and passive recreation areas for the viewing of wildlife and scenic vistas as well as necessary vehicular access to the Development. Any Improvement within the area designated as Open Space shall be shown on the approved Master Plan. Portions of the Open Space that will be publicly accessible shall be designated on the approved Master Plan. Open Space preserved in perpetuity shall be subject to a conservation easement executed and recorded prior to issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy for the Development.

iii. Public Access - A publicly accessible walking and bicycling path shall be required along the perimeter of the Development, allowing the public access to designated viewsheds. Said public access shall be depicted on the approved Master Plan and subject to a public access easement executed and recorded on the Norwalk Land Records prior to issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy.

iv. Building Types - Duplexes or Townhouses shall not exceed more than twenty-five (25) percent of the maximum residential density permitted on the Parcel(s).

v. Building Height - Building Height shall comply with the standards listed within the CD-1S, except that the first level of habitable space shall be constructed to BFE+3.

vi. Parking – A minimum of two (2) parking spaces per Dwelling Unit is required. Provided, however, parking does not have to be assigned to a specific Dwelling, Duplex or Townhouse, and may be clustered on the Parcel(s). Parking for any publicly accessible Accessory Uses must conform to Table 4.3.12.B-1 of these Regulations.

vii. Setbacks - Buildings shall be located as indicated on the approved Master Plan.

viii. Sustainability Standards

1. All Building roofs shall be improved with solar photovoltaic cells and shall be oriented to obtain the maximum benefit from solar exposure.

2. To the greatest extent possible, site drainage shall be managed through LID standards and practices and must conform to the City’s 2017 Drainage Manual, as amended.

3. Lawn areas shall be confined to the immediate surrounds of the Building or within an area designated as a Common Open Space within the Development. Other areas shall be landscaped with native, climate-tolerant plantings, with a focus on areas for pollinators and native and migrating bird species.

ix. Workforce Housing - All new, Residential Construction, shall pay an inclusionary zoning fee of ten dollars ($10.00) per one thousand dollars ($1,000) of Construction cost to be paid into a fund to be used to construct rehabilitate or repair affordable housing for individuals or families of lower income levels, whose annual income does not exceed 60% of the state median income.

D. Review Procedures

Any Parcel(s) designated as a MIOZ Development shall be permitted in accordance with a Master Plan approved pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.4.8 (Special Permits) of these Regulations. In addition to the criteria outlined in the MIOZ standards, any MIOZ Development must also comply with Sections 6.9 (Flood Hazard Zone Overlay) & 6.10 (Coastal Area Management Overlay).

E. Application Contents

In addition to the application requirements contained in Section 8.4.8.E of these Regulations, any Development within the MIOZ must include:

a. A Master Plan containing:

i. An A-2 survey of the proposed Development;

ii. A Site development plan that shows the proposed Uses, locations of proposed Buildings, Streets, anticipated lighting, walkways, public walkways and publicly designated view sheds, Open Space, natural features, and Signage;

iii. A traffic impact analysis;

iv. A drainage analysis of existing conditions and anticipated sitewide Improvements;

v. A zoning table demonstrating compliance with the Bulk and Height standards for all proposed Structures;

vi. Architectural renderings and elevations depicting the bulk and height of the proposed structures.

b. A detailed emergency evacuation plan subject to review and approval by the Norwalk Police, Norwalk Fire Department and Emergency Management Department, respectively.

F. Modification of an approved Master Plan.

a. Minor Modification – The following modifications shall be subject to administrative review by the Director of Planning & Zoning, or his/her designee:

i. Changes to the designated Open Space, provided the quantity of same remains substantially the same as approved by the Commission.

ii. Changes to the designated public access, provided the quantity of same remains substantially the same as approved by the Commission.

b. Significant Modification – Subsequent to the approval of the Master Plan, a request to make a significant modification of any approved Master Plan shall be reviewed and acted upon by the Commission in the same manner as the original approval.

G. Subdivision.

Prior to the subdivision of any part of the designated MIOZ, the Applicant shall file a written certification with the Commission, executed by the Applicant, that the Parcel(s) to be created, as well as all remaining Parcel(s) in the MIOZ, will remain in compliance with the Master Plan and these Regulations.


